As one of the premier vending machine and kiosk manufacturers in the country, we not only provide vending machines to fit our customers’ needs, but vending machine dispensing mechanisms for a variety of machines and needs. In fact, our dispensers have been installed in over 40,000 machines around the world.RFID4

Our vending machine dispensers include debit card vending dispensers, credit card dispensers, pull tab mechanisms, coupon dispensers, envelope dispensers, booklet dispensers, ticket dispensers, phone card dispensers, stamp dispensers, transit pass dispensers, game key dispensers, roll ticket dispensers, clamshell package dispensers, box dispensers, computer disc dispensers, disc sleeve dispensers and more. And our vending machine manufacturers realize that many businesses have custom needs when it comes to dispensing mechanisms, and so custom is always an option.

Our staff includes, Mechanical Engineers, Electronic Engineering, Imbedded Software Development, manufacturing personnel, repair and maintenance service personnel; ensuring that all our vending machines and dispensing mechanisms are innovative and utilizing the most up-to-date technology. Our products are dependable and durable, guaranteed to increase up-time. Our vending machine dispensing mechanisms are also covered under warranty.

Our vending machine manufacturers can provide dispensing mechanisms to fit any machine and any need. Contact us today to find out how we can help.